For some time now, the Monday Consulting team has been working on innovative technical solutions for Messe München. As a long-standing FirstSpirit specialist, Monday Consulting takes care of the implementation of changes and further developments in Crownpeak's FirstSpirit CMS. This also includes the development of customized FirstSpirit modules.
A special project at the moment is the reduction of the former three different FirstSpirit toolkits to a single, flexible toolkit. The FirstSpirit developers at Monday Consulting, in collaboration with other service providers, are working intensively to remove all traces of the old toolkits and make the new solution error-free and efficient.
Messe München organizes a large variety of different events from a diverse spectrum of industries. This diversity is also reflected in the specific requirements of the websites. The challenge was to meet all the requirements of the current 17 event websites with just one toolkit.
The reduction from three to one FirstSpirit toolkit for all websites has so far brought many benefits for Messe München:
The Monday Consulting team is delighted with the successful project and can hardly wait to celebrate further milestones with Messe München.